Sunday, August 9, 2009

"Wastong Nutrisyon"

What is Nutrition? What is that wastong nutrisyon? What is this all about?

For me, when i read some books, i take note some words that will give me the meaning of this nutrition.... Nutrition is the act or process of nourishing especially the processes by which an individual takes in and utilized fod material.

Some tips in Healthy Lifestyle:
1. You should eat heathful foods.
2. Do not smoke.
3. Be active both physically and intellectually.
4. Maintain normal weight.
5. Plan for leisure in your life.
6. Do things for others and;
7. Control drinking
- alcohol damages the brain, lungs, liver and kidney.

Don't also use drugs because drugs is a chemical substance that has an effect on the body or mind. Drugs is also a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, treatment and prevention of diseases in man and animals. so don't use drugs, you must think of your health for your proper nutrition.

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